Christ Church gives financial grants to vetted missions partners serving in local, domestic, and international contexts who are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. All applications are prayerfully considered within the scope of resources available at the time.

Our Missions Outreach Committee designates the financial gifts from our own tithe of the previous year's regular offerings (10%) to reach beyond our walls and serve the needs of others. There are many wonderful and effective ministries not listed below whom we have supported in years past or with other non-grant, special offering collections.



Anglicans For Life
Bearing witness that human beings are created in the image of God and their lives are sacred.

Care Net of Indian River
Providing compassionate help and practical support for those facing unplanned pregnancies and post abortion care.

Dynamic Life
Offering faith-based, residential ministry in Vero Beach for those in recovery, specializing in long-term solutions in the lives of their clients.

Indian River County Sports Ministry
Sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with coaches, student athletes, and their families through relationships, character coaching, prayer, and athletic events.

The Source
Bringing practical, comprehensive, and holistic relief and the good news of Jesus Christ to people who are homeless and underprivileged, emphasizing the dignity of work and the power of community.

The Women's Refuge
Providing residential and non-residential programs for emotionally and spiritually wounded women, and a variety of support groups and individual and marriage counseling as needed.


Good Samaritan Church (Middleburg, FL)
Serving the growing area in Northeast Florida, this parish seeks to produce servant hearts shaped by Jesus in worship, missional living, healing, and generosity.

Missionary Flights International (Ft. Pierce, FL)
Serving the Kingdom of God by flying tons of cargo and thousands of Christian workers to mission projects in the Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic.

Trinity Anglican Seminary (Ambridge, PA)
Training men and women for mission and ministry as an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition, formerly Trinity School for Ministry.


Anglican Frontier Missions
A sending agency seeking to plant indigenous churches where the Church is not, among the 6,000+ unreached people groups who have not heard the Gospel message even one time.

TEAM - The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Partnering with churches around the world, this agency sends out workers and plants churches that will do the same.

Global Mobilization Ministries – Alison Barfoot
Empowering Africans in Uganda to evangelize and holistically disciple people and to mobilize the Church in Africa to bless the nations.

Pax Dei Nuba - Sudan
Supporting the restoration of a thriving society in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan following decades of ethnically motivated persecution and genocide.

ACNA-Myanmar Project
Partnering with the Church of the Province of Myanmar, we have worked to get funds and supplies to the churches and ministers who serve a country suffering under a military coup.

Anglican Relief and Development Fund
ARDF is a global network of Christian response to communities in need, coming alongside a local church to support them in their own context with effective help and practical solutions.

New Wineskins Missionary Network
We help mobilize Anglicans for authentic, cross-cultural partnerships and engagement around the world through online resources, strategic networks, intercessory prayer, and global mission conferences.

5:14 Initiative
By intentionally intersecting with refugees from around the world who need a friend, an interpreter of new culture, or an advocate, they incarnate the Christian ethos of Galatians 5:14, "love your neighbor as yourself.'"

Fondation Momprince Thomas
In a time of violence and instability, they remain on mission to improve the lives of children living in poverty in the remote villages of Jacmel, Haiti, by providing nourishment, quality healthcare, an orphan's home, church community, and education.


Submit your grant request using the form links below as early as possible in the calendar year. Applicants must demonstrate a focus on Christian ministry and be a registered non-profit, 501(c)3 organization to be eligible for a grant.

The Evaluation Form must be submitted to the Outreach Committee before an organization will be considered eligible for additional grant funding. The Outreach Committee meets regularly to prayerfully consider each request.

Application Form, PDF

Application Form, Word

Evaluation Form, PDF

Evaluation Form, Word

If you have trouble accessing and documents on this site, please contact us.


In addition to financial support given to organizations, Christ Church provides hands-on volunteer outreach support to many organizations in our community of Vero Beach and also with mission trips. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.
