Father Keith
Rector of Christ Church Vero Beach
Canon to Myanmar, ACNA
I came to saving faith in Christ at a junior high camp in 1979 as the Lord spoke to me through the song, I Wish They’d All Been Ready. It was in that moment that I knew I was not “ready”, so I prayed asking the Lord to save me. I was so changed that I wanted to share the joy I felt with everyone.
I have never gotten over the fact that the Lord loves me and saved me. I answered God’s call on my life to vocational ministry and was ordained in 1990. I have spent the years that followed seeking to share His love, truth, and grace with others. I have done academic work in the areas of Biblical Studies (BA, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary); missiology (MA in Global Studies, Liberty School of Divinity); and organizational leadership (DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary) seeking the tools to better share the gospel.
In 1989, I married Kim, my best friend and partner in ministry. We have been partners in ministry throughout our marriage as we have pastored and planted churches together in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, and in Florida. We have two adult children, Kat and John.
I am so thankful to be the Rector of Christ Church as I believe we are positioned for a season of greater mission and ministry both here in our neighborhood and to the nations. This is a parish made up of people with deep love for God and others, generous hearts, and a zeal for the gospel. I hope you will come and visit with us. Please introduce yourself to me when you come as I look forward to meeting you.
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2, ESV)