"I will praise the name of God with song and magnify Him with thanksgiving." - Psalm 69:30


Adult Choir

The Christ Church Choir sings a wide range of music including contemporary praise and worship, classical liturgical songs, and hymns. Summer rehearsals are limited to Sunday mornings at 9:30 am before the worship service, and on Wednesday afternoons during the school season. While the reading of a music score is very helpful, the main requirements are an ability to carry a tune and blend with the other singers, and to have a receptive and willing heart to serve the Lord.

If you are interested in joining the Choir or Band please contact Brady Johnson, our Choirmaster and Organist.

Christ Church Band

Come join the band of dedicated musicians who joyfully offer their time and talents to the Lord during our Sunday morning service.

The band consists of guitarists, a keyboardist, and percussionists. We would love to include strings and brass! They play a wide range of music, from contemporary praise and worship songs to classic hymnody.

The band eagerly welcomes new members who are proficient in their instrument and are able to commit to rehearsals (currently two per month on Fridays at 4:00 pm) and 2-3 Sunday mornings per month. If you are interested, please contact Brady Johnson or one of the band members.


A/V Tech Crew and
Live Streaming

Two teams work together with one operating the sound system and the projection of lyrics and liturgy used during the service, and the other team operating the cameras and audio for the live stream audience.

We seek more volunteers to join a team to serve on a rotation basis. Experience in A/V or technology is helpful but not required. Training is joyfully provided! Please contact Brady Johnson at 772.646.0920 or via email.


Preparing for Worship

The Altar Guild is an integral part of our worship ministry. They work in small teams to prepare the sanctuary and the altar for each worship service. Primarily, they care for the sacred vessels, candles, linens, and elements used for Holy Communion.

It is a perfect fit for men or women who enjoy serving "behind the scenes" and appreciate the beauty and meaning of serving the Lord at his table where his people are fed. For more information, please contact Fr. Keith Allen at 772.646.0920 or via email.


Serving the Body of Christ

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are church members assigned to serve at worship services alongside the clergy. (The term "Lay" comes from laity, meaning non-clergy.) These men and women assist in our worship by reading scripture passages, leading prayers, and administering elements of Holy Communion when clergy are unavailable.

Lectors are also church members whose role is to read a passage of Scripture during the Sunday morning worship service. They are seated among the congregation rather than in the altar party with the LEMs and clergy.

We welcome new members to this team year-round. Please contact Fr. Keith Allen at 772.646.0920 or via email for additional information.


Bringing natural beauty into worship

Our Flower Guild members serve on rotation to provide weekly floral arrangements for the altar. They also coordinate holiday floral displays and lend their talents to other special events.

Please join the team and participate in adding beauty to our offerings of worship. Floral arrangement training is available for individuals willing to join the Flower Guild. Please contact Shari Von Liebler in the church office at 772.646.0920 or via email.


Altar Prayer Team

Men and women are available to assist all who seek prayer for any reason during or after our services. All conversations remain confidential.

For more information about other prayer ministry opportunities, please continue reading here.
